
10 Proven And Effective Ways To Burn Belly Fat (Based On Science)

Belly fat can be the hardest fat to get rid of.

Losing fat from the belly is a growing health goal. A variety of workouts and improvements in lifestyle can help people do that.


You will be surprised to know that everyone has a bit of belly fat, even those with flat abs.


This is normal. This is usual. But too much belly fat will affect your health in a manner that does not affect other fat.


Most of the fat beneath the skin is right there. The fat inside, the lungs, the liver, and other organs are deeper.


This deeper fat — known as “visceral” fat — can be the biggest problem, even for skinny people.


Manufacturers of various specific products claim that their products will lead to rapid weight loss, the removal of fat from the stomach, or both.


There is, however, no evidence to endorse the health or efficacy of these items.


In the meantime, a person can lose weight and reduce fat using proven natural techniques, including dietary changes and certain types of exercise.


This article evaluates natural ways of losing belly fat. We also identify the contributing factors in this area for fat accretion and how this accretion can harm health.


What Is Belly Fat?

The underlying condition can be caused by abdominal obesity. E.g. diet, the sedentary way of life, and alcohol intake.

Different Types Of Belly Fat

There are different fat types:

Subcutaneous fat
Lower-cutaneous fat is the looser fat which allows you to “pinch one inch.”

Intramuscular fat
Within the skeletal muscles is intramuscular fat.

Visceral fat
Visceral fat is a collection of intra-abdominal, or belly-fat in your abdominal organs (stomach, liver, renal, etc.).

What Causes Belly Fat?

Three main factors influence your weight:
  • How many calories you eat throughout the day
  • How many calories you eat every day
  • Age factor
You’ll definitely bear extra weight, including the fat of the belly if you eat too much and exercise too little.


Moreover, with age, your muscle mass may slightly decrease as fat increases. Loss of muscle mass also increases the rate of caloric usage in your body that can make it easier to keep your weight safe.


Most women even note that they are getting older — even though they don’t gain weight. It is presumably because of a lower level of estrogen, which tends to affect the distribution of fat in the body.


There may also be a genetic factor in the propensity to gain or bear weight around the waist – and have an “apple” rather than a “pear” shape.


Fat Diseases

A variety of methods are available for measuring visceral fat. CT scans and full-body MRIs are most reliable but expensive and seldom available, so researchers instead use waist-based or waist-scale projections concerning height.


Several chronic conditions involve visceral fat, including:


Cardiovascular disease (Heart and blood vessel illness): This impact was recorded by several studies. For example, a large study of women in Europe aged 45-79 has concluded that the risk of developing cardiovascular disease is more than double that with the largest tapers (and the largest tapers about their hip sizes) Also after some other risk factors, such as blood pressure, cholesterol, smoking and BMI have been changed, the risk remained almost double. Even in healthy, non-smoking women, the risk of cardiovascular disease increased 10 percent every two inches of additional waist size.


The elevated amount of visceral fat is also detrimental to many other risk factors for heart disease. Blood pressure and blood sugar levels are rising, triglycerides, and HDL (good) cholesterol are lower. Together they establish a significant risk of cardio-cardiovascular and type 2 diabetes, known as metabolic syndrome.


Cancer of the breast: A pooled study of several studies showed that the risk of breast cancer was higher in women premenopausal with abdominal obesity (the larger waist size proportionate to their height). Large waists were also associated with postmenopausal women’s risk of breast cancer but that effect was not significant once the BMI was considered.


Dementia: In researches at Kaiser Permanente, the likelihood of developing dementia (including Alzheimer’s disease) by mid-70s to early 80s was almost three times higher when people were in their early 40s with the highest abdominal fat compared with those at that age who had the lowest abdominal fat. Dementia was not related to the increased size of the thighs.


Asthma: Women with high levels of visceral fat (more than 35 inches waist circumference) were 37% more likely to develop asthma in a large study of California teachers, although their weight was normal. The risks for big, overweight, or obese women were the highest. Belly-fat was thought to increase the risk of asthma more than other gingival pounds, as it affects the entire body, including airways, with inflammatory effects.


10 Simple Tips To Lose Belly Fat

Some strategies of weight loss will concentrate more than other areas of the body on fat in the belly region.

Here are ten ways of losing belly fat based on evidence.

1. Stop products containing trans fats

Trans fats are produced in unsaturated fats, such as soybean oil, by pumping hydrogen.

They are used in some margarine and spreads, but other food manufacturers have stopped using them and are most mostly added to canned food.

The fats are related in observational and animal studies to inflammation, heart disease, insulin resistance, and the development of abdominal fat.

A six-year study found that monkeys consuming a high diet of trans fat got 33 percent higher abdominal fat than monounsaturated fat.

Read the ingredient labels carefully and stay away from foods containing trans fats to help reduce belly fat and protect your health. Often these are partly hydrogenated fats.

2. Aim for sugar

An excellent place to continue to change your diet is to remove sugar beverages — and not only soda but juices. Sugar raises the fat in the belly and the fiber reduces the fat in the belly. You extract fiber, thereby leaving only sugar when you juice fruit. Thus, the elimination of sugary drinks would be a quick fix, a very specific fix.

Replacing sugary beverages with water helps reduce your sugar intake significantly and you can find out, once you have taken this measure, how to cut back on sugar-rich foods.

You must eat an apple, melon, or fresh berries if you have a sweet tooth and you have to add that last emphasis on your food. Recall, the fruit isn’t a vegetable replacement.

3. Eat additional protein

For weight loss, protein can be the major macronutrient.

When your goal is to lose weight, adding protein can be the most efficient way to improve your diet.

Protein can help not only lose weight but also prevent weight recovery.

In the abdominal fat reduction, protein may be particularly effective. One research showed that more and better proteins were consumed with much less abdominal fat.

Another research found that a dramatically reduced risk of abdominal fat accumulation over five years in women was correlated with protein.

This analysis also mixed processed carbohydrates and oils with more abdominal fat with decreased fat for fruits and vegetables.

For many research, people received 25 to 30 percent of their protein calories, which found that protein helps with weight loss. This can then be a good option to try.

Seek to increase the consumption of high-protein food, eggs, fish, legumes, nuts, meat, and milk products. These are your diet’s best protein sources.

A quality protein substitute – such as whey protein – is a safe and easy way to improve your overall intake if you have difficulty consuming enough protein in your diet.

4. Don’t drink alcohol

Alcohol can also cause your belly fat to increase from the study.

Observatory experiments associate high intake of alcohol with a substantially elevated risk of central obesity — excess concentration of fat around the waist.

More than 2,000 people participated in one study on alcohol consumption.

Results found that people consuming alcohol regularly but taking less than 1 drink a day had less fat than those consuming less often but consumed more alcohol on their drinking days.

5. Take your everyday routine of physical activity

We recommend the moderate aerobic activity for most healthy adults, such as fast walking, for 150 minutes or at least 75 minutes a week for vigorous aerobic activities like running.

Recognize that average of 10,000 steps per day is taken to avoid weight gain if a step counter is used. Several studies have shown that a substantial weight loss may take 15,000 steps a day to prevent weight recovery.

Power exercises at least two days a week are also recommended. Perhaps you need to exercise regularly if you want to lose weight or meet specific fitness goals.

6. Get some sleep

Too little is bad. A five-year study showed that adults under the age of 40 years who slept for five or fewer hours a night had dramatically increased visceral fat. But there’s not too much – young adults who have slept for over eight hours have also incorporated visceral fat. (In persons over the age of 40, that relationship was not found).

7. Healthy pick fats

A balanced diet does include some dietary fat, but not all that is fat is equally beneficial.

The risk of heart disease and stroke may be increased by saturated fats and trans-fats. They may also result in increased weight and are closely related to visceral fat development.

Alternatively, the intake of healthy fats will reduce body fat overall and deliver various benefits.


High-fat balanced foods contain:

# Seeds of chia
# Fatty fish
# Egg
# Butters of fruit and almond
# Olives
# Avocadoes

8. Concentrate more on how your clothes fit than reading a scale.

When you add muscle mass to your bathroom scale and lose fat, it may not change a lot, but your pants become looser. That’s a progress mark. When you are a woman or less than 40 inches if you are a man who is at risk of heart disease and diabetes, the waistline will be less than 35 inches.

9. Track the consumption of food

Most people are aware of the value of what you consume, but still don’t know what they actually eat.

People may assume they consume a high protein or a low carb diet, but it is easy to overestimate or to underestimate food intake without keeping a track of it.

It does not mean weighing and calculating anything you eat monitoring food intake. Tracking the intake every now and then for several days consecutively will allow you to understand the most important changes.

Planning for the future may help you achieve specific objectives such as improving your intake of protein to 25–30 percent of calories or reducing unhealthy carbs.

10. Change the way of life and merge different methods

It will not have a big effect on itself simply to make one item on this list.

You must combine various methods that have proven to be effective if you want positive results.

Ironically, all of these approaches are typically related to nutritious food and a balanced overall lifestyle.

Thus, changing your long-term lifestyle is the key to losing and keeping your belly fat.

If you are healthy and eat real food, a common side effect is a fat loss.


The depletion of body fat does not have a perfect cure.

Weight loss is also a matter of determination, dedication, and perseverance.

Abdominal fat or bowel fat is associated with an increased risk of some diseases.

Many people will minimize their abdominal fat by essential lifestyle improvements such as consuming and exercising regularly a balanced diet filled with magic proteins, vegetables and fruits, and legumes.

Learn about weight loss approaches here for more tips on weight loss.

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Written by Ashley Rowen


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